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Good reading - ARGO audiobook and Double Cross ebook

Started by ssfc72, October 03, 2016, 12:48:28 PM

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An excellent audiobook about the 400+ day, American Embassy hostage taking in the Iranian revolution yeras ago and how some of the Americans were hidden by the Canadian Embassy and  spirited out by the CIA, after about 4 months.

There was a movie made about this but the audio book has much more details.

Double Cross

An excellent ebook about the British/German spies of WWII.
The British managed to wind up controlling all the spies that Germany sent to Britain and the Germans didn't realize the spies were working for Britain and giving the Germans misleading/useless information.

A very detailed account about what was involved in the spy game.

Both these books are available as a free download from the Lindsay Library, if you are a member.  The Peterborough library would probably also have them available..

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