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PLUG Virtual meeting: Drive encryption - Notes

Started by Jason, December 20, 2021, 10:52:02 PM

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I learned how to create and use encrypted drives in an Intermediate Linux course. I found this article that covers it pretty well if you want to try this yourself and didn't take notes. :) Just skip the first section titled, "Linux encryption methods." We used LUKS as does the rest of the tutorial.


Also, I don't believe luksOpen worked on my system. Same with luksClose. I just used 'open' and 'close' respectively. There's also a reference to luksDump. You can ignore that part - we didn't cover it.

If you have comments about the meeting, please post them here. This board is only for notes or minutes from presentations. Comments about the meetings should go in the respective announcements on the Meeting board.

However, if you have links to other information or examples of how to extend the use of cryptsetup, feel to post them below.
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