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Politics, Society and News. / Re: How Does This Year's Flu S...
Last post by ssfc72 - November 02, 2024, 09:16:24 AM
Yes, I still have some outdated covid rapid test kits.
The test kits are still accurate past their expiry date.
Apparently at the time the test kits were manufactured the companies did not have much data to go by in establishing an expiry date.
Now they have more data which shows the old test kits are still good, past their expiry dates.
In the USA you can go on the internet and find the Brand of test kit you have and look up it's new, revised expiry date.
Politics, Society and News. / Re: How Does This Year's Flu S...
Last post by Jason - October 31, 2024, 12:31:39 PM
Quote from: ssfc72 on October 26, 2024, 09:39:13 AMI don't need to get the covid shot this season. :-)  I just got finished having covid, last week, so I am already resistant to it for this season.

Lucky you! I mean, unlucky you! :) Do you still have tests left, Bill? Or did you pick up some more? I have plenty left, but they're all well past the expiry date. They can still work. They just become less accurate.

My topic was about the flu shot. Are you getting that this season?
Meetings / Re: Next meeting?
Last post by Jason - October 31, 2024, 12:28:16 PM
Quote from: William on October 29, 2024, 01:03:39 AMWell, I'm between jobs now, and am busy on Saturdays.  Sundays are nice for long scenic drive, though.

I have my roleplaying group on Sunday afternoons. Sunday evening would work but not sure if you like driving at night. :)

I'll leave it up to Bill to forge ahead.
Meetings / Re: Next meeting?
Last post by buster - October 29, 2024, 03:55:51 PM
"Sorry to hear that, Buster. How is it that you're outlasting most? What's your secret? Booze, women, cigarettes?"

1. Choose your parents wisely.
2. Remember we are primarily animals that walk, bend, push, lift. Too much sitting destroys the body.
3. Remember we belong outside. Urban life is a new development. Trees are your friends.
4. Remember we are social beings. Connections to a few friends seems to encourage a longer life.
5. Laughter is the best medicine.
6. And my favourite: talk to strangers. People can be magical. And magic almost always helps.
Meetings / Re: Next meeting?
Last post by William - October 29, 2024, 01:03:39 AM
Quote from: Jason on October 25, 2024, 04:47:21 PMWhat about next Saturday? I can make it then. Or most times during the week. I'd suggest even the daytime since most of us coming to these things are retired or dead (I jest) on the inside like myself, but William works. We could do an evening. I'm easy. That's how my wife got me.
Well, I'm between jobs now, and am busy on Saturdays.  Sundays are nice for long scenic drive, though.
Politics, Society and News. / Re: How Does This Year's Flu S...
Last post by ssfc72 - October 26, 2024, 09:39:13 AM
I don't need to get the covid shot this season. :-)  I just got finished having covid, last week, so I am already resistant to it for this season.
Meetings / Re: Next meeting?
Last post by Jason - October 25, 2024, 04:47:21 PM
Quote from: ssfc72 on October 25, 2024, 03:07:00 PMOk, sorry Tom, it doesn't look like there is enough interest for a meetup for a coffee and chat, for Saturday.

So there will not be meetup tomorrow at Tim Hortons at Monaghan rd in Peterborough.

What about next Saturday? I can make it then. Or most times during the week. I'd suggest even the daytime since most of us coming to these things are retired or dead (I jest) on the inside like myself, but William works. We could do an evening. I'm easy. That's how my wife got me.
Meetings / Re: Next meeting?
Last post by Jason - October 25, 2024, 04:44:43 PM
Quote from: buster on October 24, 2024, 01:59:22 PMI have another 'celebration of life' to attend. People my age are dropping like flies. Been to at least 6 in 2024. Sorry.

Sorry to hear that, Buster. How is it that you're outlasting most? What's your secret? Booze, women, cigarettes?
Politics, Society and News. / How Does This Year's Flu Shot ...
Last post by Jason - October 25, 2024, 04:43:16 PM
A study was released looking at flu vaccine effectiveness using flu season data from the Southern Hemisphere. Vaccine effectiveness against severe illness (i.e. hospitalization) was 35% for high-risk groups with varying ranges for children, and people with comorbidities. Older adults had a 31% effectiveness. Some might say, "Why bother?" I say 35% is a fair bit higher than 0%. The general population can get flu and COVID-19 shots together beginning October 30. Mine is scheduled for November 1.

Meetings / Re: Next meeting?
Last post by ssfc72 - October 25, 2024, 03:07:00 PM
Ok, sorry Tom, it doesn't look like there is enough interest for a meetup for a coffee and chat, for Saturday.

So there will not be meetup tomorrow at Tim Hortons at Monaghan rd in Peterborough.