Peterborough Linux User Group (Canada) Forum

General (non-Linux) => General Discussion => Topic started by: ssfc72 on September 29, 2017, 01:25:38 AM

Title: Cogeco's extremely poor repair service - 3 days to swap out the modem
Post by: ssfc72 on September 29, 2017, 01:25:38 AM
I got up at 9 am Tuesday and went to the computer to get on the internet, only to find the modem had only the power light, working.
Since my Cogeco home phone service was also down, I had to use my pay as you go, cell phone, to talk to their support person. The phone call lasted 30 minutes.

After doing the standard, unplug then plug the modem and also pressing the rest button a few times, the support person said they would have to send a Tech person.
The earliest time I could get was 3 days later, on Thursday from 5 pm to 8pm. :-(

That is abysmal service!  I would have expected a Tech, should have been at my door later that same afternoon, to swap out the modem.

Title: Re: Cogeco's extremely poor repair service - 3 days to swap out the modem
Post by: Jason on September 29, 2017, 02:06:40 AM
I agree that's bad although I don't know if anybody else would be better. It sucks to do without the Internet.
Title: Re: Cogeco's extremely poor repair service - 3 days to swap out the modem
Post by: bobf on October 23, 2017, 05:44:25 PM
Yes, but it's worse than that. We have the same setup - internet, then VoIP depending on it, so when it goes down, it goes down HARD!

And *just* after we'd converted, we had a momentary blackout, *just* long enough to jam up the phone system, and Rachelle FREAKED! "We're going back to Bell!" "Oh, no we're NOT!", and I went out and bought another UPS, specifically to underpin the cable modem, the VoIP modem, and the cordless phone system in the house!

If it goes down again, she just *might* make me go back to Bell...!! So it can NEVER, EVER, GO DOWN AGAIN! (For any reason, any day, any time, under any circumstance!)

Wish me luck... <^8#
Title: Re: Cogeco's extremely poor repair service - 3 days to swap out the modem
Post by: ssfc72 on October 23, 2017, 06:27:38 PM
Stick to your guns, on not going back to Bell!

I don't imagine Bell is using the POTS system for telephone calls, anymore.  Their system is probably using VOIP, just like Cogeco, and if their computer network goes down, then the phones will go down as well.

Title: Re: Cogeco's extremely poor repair service - 3 days to swap out the modem
Post by: buster on October 25, 2017, 12:30:54 PM
"I don't imagine Bell is using the POTS system for telephone calls, anymore.  Their system is probably using VOIP, just like Cogeco, and if their computer network goes down, then the phones will go down as well."

I kept an old Princess phone. I have used it for years when the power goes off and my regular phone/answering machine wont work because we have no power. I just plug it into a wall jack. And yes we use Bell (and even worse I use Win 10  :o ).

So we not only had power problems where I live a week and  half ago, but we had 'brown' power, with a few lights just barely working. So I threw the main power switch. I wondered what would happen with my old Princess phone because of the fibe and plugged it in.

It worked. Now it only had to run about 3 hours. But I had the feeling it would keep working.

Just saying.