The news article says it is safe to drive these hybrids???
So an owner can feel safe driving on the highway with a vehicle that might catch on fire??? :-(
QuoteSo an owner can feel safe driving on the highway with a vehicle that might catch on fire??? :-(
You just described every vehicle ever made. Someone had a pickup truck in front of our apartment years ago. I heard a weird sound and went to look outside to see the engine on fire. Seconds later, it (the engine or something in the engine) exploded. I saw it. It wasn't a huge explosion but it was LOUD and I wouldn't have wanted to be next to it. I don't have the data but I bet that car fires are more commonly caused by gas-only powered vehicles. Maybe it's worse with a hybrid.
From my read of the article, it's pretty rare (7 cases) and where it happened the vehicle was off or charging. And nobody died or was seriously injured but 4 were treated for smoke inhalation.
However, Lithium Ion batteries can catch fire or even explode under certain conditions. Usually, it's when the battery is punctured, twisted or otherwise deformed, like in a car crash. I saw a documentary showing a new battery in development that you could fire a bullet through and it wouldn't catch fire. They can't come soon enough. Meanwhile, your phone has a rare chance of catching fire in your pocket right next to your vitals. :D