Peterborough Linux User Group (Canada) Forum

Linux & Android => Linux Applications & Android apps => Topic started by: Jason on April 17, 2020, 08:59:56 AM

Title: Microsoft Edge browser coming to Linux
Post by: Jason on April 17, 2020, 08:59:56 AM
Somehow I managed to miss this story from November last year - Microsoft's Edge browser is coming to Linux ( On Windows, I find that Edge sucked the first time I used and sucked the last time I used it. I found it unstable, slow and would just randomly freeze for not particular reason. So I don't think this is a big deal other than that Microsoft thinks enough people use Linux that it's worth making a browser for them, even if it's just to make advertising revenue. It probably won't be hard for them either now that Edge shares the same engine with Chromium/Chrome.