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Linux Applications & Android apps / Re: Barrier alternative
Last post by Jason - July 20, 2024, 09:10:07 PM
Quote from: ssfc72 on July 20, 2024, 07:42:45 AMI would suggest you get a faster computer and run Linux with a VM Windows, so that you can still play your computer games, :-)

The issue isn't the computer's performance. VMs don't let you use the specialty drivers necessary for a discrete 3D card. Even if they did, the performance would fall short of what you'd get with bare metal. VMs use generic drivers. Sure, the VM settings have an option for 3D but the emulation is for low-performance onboard RAM. The games I like won't run on that. A faster computer wouldn't change that because the Windows VM can't support the hardware. Even if it worked, I'd have to spend money to get the same or markedly less performance. Even if the VM could, it'd be a minimal performance for gaming.

You can play some modern games on Linux nowadays. But that list doesn't include the ones I want to play.
Linux Applications & Android apps / Re: Barrier alternative
Last post by ssfc72 - July 20, 2024, 07:42:45 AM
I would suggest you get a faster computer and run Linux with a VM Windows, so that you can still play your computer games, :-)

Quote from: Jason on July 19, 2024, 09:23:34 PMSo, if I want to avoid dual-booting, I can:

1. Use Barrier by disabling Wayland and enabling X11.
2. Get another keyboard and mouse for the second system.
3. Use a KVM
4. Use a VM for Linux inside of Windows

Although method 4 may be easiest, it would mean running Linux as a guest under a Windows host. I can't do it the other way (i.e. Linux as host, Windows as a guest) because I play demanding games under Windows and I need fast 3D graphics support. But, running Linux under Windows makes me feel slutty. Sigh.

Linux Applications & Android apps / Re: Barrier alternative
Last post by Jason - July 19, 2024, 09:23:34 PM
It'd be great if it worked, Bill. I'm convinced now that the problem is Barrier's lack of support for Wayland. The Synergy people also said I needed to switch Wayland back to the X11 window system. They promise support for Wayland in a future version.

So, if I want to avoid dual-booting, I can:

1. Use Barrier by disabling Wayland and enabling X11.
2. Get another keyboard and mouse for the second system.
3. Use a KVM
4. Use a VM for Linux inside of Windows

Although method 4 may be easiest, it would mean running Linux as a guest under a Windows host. I can't do it the other way (i.e. Linux as host, Windows as a guest) because I play demanding games under Windows and I need fast 3D graphics support. But, running Linux under Windows makes me feel slutty. Sigh.

If you were faced with this conundrum, what would you guys do?
General Discussion / Re: Trump, Biden, the Election...
Last post by Jason - July 19, 2024, 09:09:05 PM
Quote from: ssfc72 on July 19, 2024, 08:33:04 AMIt amazes me that a convicted criminal, such as Trump, can run for President of the US.

Ah, but it's all fixed by the Sleepy Joe and his corrupt administration! It's a witchhunt, I say, a witchhunt. No President has EVER been treated the way I, I mean "he", has (lost myself there). If he takes off his shirt, you can see his scars. UNFAIR!!!! :D

I entirely agree with you, Bill. And now they're making it so future presidents are immune from any crimes as long as they can argue it was an "official" act, an overly broad and useless term. He's the military leader there so does that mean anything he does with it (an official act) is fine?

But seriously, all the other charges against him will likely be dropped with the SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity. The other charges won't be tried until after the election. And presidents can't be prosecuted while in office (before this SCOTUS decision, even) so he'll pardon himself at the end of the term or step down weeks before he has to and have his VP do it. That's assuming there will be another fair US election ever again.

Buster, you're right. I wouldn't say guaranteed, though. There's something in the US known as the October surprise. Generally, something happens just before the election and tosses it all in the air. Hilary Clinton might have won if it wasn't for her October surprise (i.e. deleted emails). Maybe somebody will attempt a hit on Biden. Maybe, it will come out that Trump had sex with an underage girl (or even worse for MAGA Republicans, a non-white boy). The MAGA cultists will believe it's fixed but real Republicans might not. And swing voters aren't likely to fall for the "fix" schtick.

There's hope, but it's rapidly diminishing. I estimate a 5% chance that Biden can still pull it off. He will have to get every Democrat in America out to vote and have Republicans (the non-MAGA) crew sit it out because they won't vote for Democrats but can't stomach Trump anymore.

But if the Democrats replace Biden with someone good, they could have a 40% chance. Every day counts. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to win. Playing dirty might help, too. MAGA Republicans and Trump aren't nice, the Democrats can't play nice to beat them. They can't afford to.
General Discussion / Re: Trump, Biden, the Election...
Last post by ssfc72 - July 19, 2024, 08:33:04 AM
It amazes me that a convicted criminal, such as Trump, can run for President of the US.
General Discussion / Trump, Biden, the Election, an...
Last post by buster - July 16, 2024, 12:04:36 PM
The assassination attempt on Trump, the mispeaking of Biden, and the presidential voting system in the USA guarantee Trump will win if Biden stays in the race. If the Democrats replace Biden they have a fighting chance.

This BBC article lists the possible replacements in a simple, clear manner. I hope it's Gretchen because she's the prettiest, as well as being a good politician.

Linux Applications & Android apps / Re: Barrier alternative
Last post by ssfc72 - July 16, 2024, 08:24:58 AM
Linux Applications & Android apps / Barrier alternative
Last post by Jason - July 15, 2024, 10:09:07 PM
Old members might remember Synergy. It allowed you to use two PCs (and two screens) with the same keyboard and mouse. Think KVM but switching is done entirely in software. You move the mouse pointer from one display to another. Each display is attached to a system. But you only need one keyboard and mouse attached to the computer running Synergy as a "server".

Barrier is a fork of Synergy before it went commercial so I was hopeful I could do it that way. Alas, I can't get Barrier working. Switching works between Windows 11 and Zorin OS 17.1 except that the pointer becomes invisible on Zorin. Ugh.

Does anyone know of any cross-platform alternatives to Barrier? I know there's a new fork of Barrier since Barrier has been abandoned. However, it's in early development and they even suggest using Barrier for now. I'm trying to use a Windows 11 box with a Linux box (based on Ubuntu).
Security and Privacy / Re: Secure email services vide...
Last post by Jason - July 08, 2024, 05:52:04 PM
Thanks, Bill! That's an excellent review. I'm happy with Tuta but it's good to know what else is out there and how they compare. I don't know about Proton but Tuta has good tech support for paid plans: responsive and helpful.

Btw, you can embed YouTube videos in Forum posts. Visitors can view the video right here. Click the YouTube button at the top of your post box, enter the URL and click Submit. It sometimes shows a useful thumbnail of the video. Nobody is required to embed videos; I just wanted to alert everyone to the feature. It can be handy. If you need to see the larger screen format, you can still click on the YouTube moniker and it'll take you there.
Security and Privacy / Re: A hacker just leaked 10 bi...
Last post by Jason - July 08, 2024, 05:43:49 PM
Thanks for sharing, Bill. I meant to post about this.

The headline overstates the impact as the dump isn't all new passwords: most aren't. Most are from an earlier list that grows with each new smaller leak. But it's still good to remain vigilant! The article is more aimed at people who are using weak passwords. Don't be one of them!

Unless you've been using weak passwords, changing them isn't necessary. The leak is gargantuan unless compared to the number of possible strong passwords. For example, Diceware uses a word list of 7776 passwords. Randomly use only three of them and you have over 470 billion unique passwords! Bill's linked article has some good recommendations on strong passwords. Go for length (16 characters or more). Complexity isn't as important. A password consisting of 8 random characters isn't good enough. You're not going to remember all these passwords. So, use a password manager and you only have to remember one.

Regardless, the leaked list wouldn't be used to brute force websites. Websites won't allow the bad guys to attempt billions or even millions of passwords. It is used by bad actors offline who compare it against stolen password hashes. Passwords aren't stored on most websites; the hashes are. Reverting hashes to passwords is impossible unless you compare them to a list of commonly used passwords.

In a brief article, MalwareBytes notes :

QuoteTo cut a long story short, if you don't reuse passwords and never use "simple" passwords, like single words, then this release should not concern you. If you use multi-factor authentication (MFA), and you should everywhere you can, there's also no reason to worry about this.