Peterborough Linux User Group (Canada) Forum

Linux & Android => Raspberry Pi & Single-Board Computers => Topic started by: fox on August 25, 2019, 05:55:44 PM

Title: Use an iOS or Android device as a Raspberry Pi monitor
Post by: fox on August 25, 2019, 05:55:44 PM
At our last PLUG MUG, we needed a monitor and Jason had to lug a 24" monitor to Tim's so that we could see what was happening on the pi. Suppose, instead, that you could use an iOS or Android device, in particular, a tablet, as your Pi monitor. Well apparently you can!

Here ( is an example of how to set this up on an iOS device; you can Google for similar instructions for an Android phone or tablet. It requires the Pi and the tablet/phone to be on the same wifi network. In theory can be done at a Tim Horton's, but I don't know how well that would work. Jason, you might want to review these instructions and see if you think it could work at Timmies. Also, this might be a mini-topic for one of our regular PLUG presentations, if we have one featuring the Rpi.
Title: Re: Use an iOS or Android device as a Raspberry Pi monitor
Post by: Jason on August 25, 2019, 08:33:45 PM
They probably have IP isolation at Timmies so I don't think their connection would work but we could certainly try. And I could also setup my phone as a WAP.

Anyway, it's just using a VNC client - you could do the same thing with a laptop. But I never thought of doing it with a tablet - that would definitely be more portable.
Title: Re: Use an iOS or Android device as a Raspberry Pi monitor
Post by: fox on August 26, 2019, 07:02:46 AM
I just thought of another possible problem doing it at Timmies. You have to start by getting the IP address of the Pi. We could get these at home, connected to a monitor, but wouldn't it change once you change your internet connection to another location? If so, we would need a monitor to get it at Timmies. At minimum, that would require Bill's projector and a piece of cardboard to project it on.

What got me thinking about the use of a tablet as a monitor is that I ordered a lightning to HDMI cable for my iPad so I can connect it to a video projector. But then I realized that this would mirror the image on the iPad to the projector screen and we want to go the other way with the Pi.
Title: Re: Use an iOS or Android device as a Raspberry Pi monitor
Post by: Jason on August 26, 2019, 01:51:19 PM
Yes, it would change IP addresses. I think that Timmies also uses a 10.x.x.x based address as well.