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Samsung S9 phone

Started by fox, December 26, 2021, 07:55:27 AM

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I have a Samsung S9 phone that I'm going to put up soon on Kijiji. It is in excellent condition, no defects, and comes with the box and the usual stuff that is included with the phone. I recently replaced it with a secondhand S20, only to get the extra low light camera lens. Samsung DeX works on the S9; those of you that came to my presentation on DeX a few years ago saw it working on the phone. It's black, 64 gb and unlocked. I'm open to offers; Kijiji Toronto has this model listed for anywhere between $170 and $250.
Ubuntu 24.10 on 2019 5k iMac
Ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 13


Nice!  Don't forget to post an update on how well the phone takes low light photos, for you Fox.
Mint 20.3 on a Dell 14" Inspiron notebook, HP Pavilion X360, 11" k120ca notebook (Linux Lubuntu), Dell 13" XPS notebook computer (MXLinux)
Cellphone Samsung A50, Koodo pre paid service


I have been shopping for just such an item Mike. Unfortunately Santa was not good to me this year. I'll check back with you in a month. I was there at the demo nite. I will also tell you that your " new " S20 is a lot less repairable. But according to Hugh Jefferies on YouTube the S9 is a peach ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HvAC8EcOHc        If all else fails, Live Long & Prosper !
MACbook Pro 1501, Catalina| Biostar FX6300 Garuda Linux | HP AIO Elite, Win 10 Pro| HP Folio 14, Win 10 Pro| ASUS M32CD, POP_O/S


That Hugh Jefferies video was really impressive; he made those repairs look easy! I'll bet, though, that he paid more for all those parts than it would cost just to buy a used phone of that type in excellent condition.

I have yet to break a Samsung S phone (I've had three), or even scratch one. They have all been good to me; maybe because I'm upgrading every 2-3 years. I have yet to put it on Kijiji; been busy with other stuff.
Ubuntu 24.10 on 2019 5k iMac
Ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 13


When I get paid then I can pay you. You can post on Kijiji and see if you you can get a good price, but myself I can see clear to your
$225 expectation. But if it fetches $ 250 then you grab that bull by the horns !  Thanks for the reply. P.S. I can put " some " money down
to hold.   Cheers.
MACbook Pro 1501, Catalina| Biostar FX6300 Garuda Linux | HP AIO Elite, Win 10 Pro| HP Folio 14, Win 10 Pro| ASUS M32CD, POP_O/S


I'm looking to replace Samsung S3 which is dying of thousand horizontal lines.  Where do you buy a new Samsung phone?  I don't need the latest S21 or folding thing, but I want fairly new, so that I can keep for another decade.


I have bought all of my Samsung phones secondhand on Kijiji.
Ubuntu 24.10 on 2019 5k iMac
Ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 13


I have bough off of Kijiji if you know and trust the seller. I now steer people to Factory Direct or the
MTC outlet in Whitby ON. I believe both ship and have a " fair " return policy. My last Samsung I
purchased from and independent retailer. It was being promoted heavily as it was his last one.
A Galaxy J3w8 !
MACbook Pro 1501, Catalina| Biostar FX6300 Garuda Linux | HP AIO Elite, Win 10 Pro| HP Folio 14, Win 10 Pro| ASUS M32CD, POP_O/S


I have never known a seller I bought off of in Kijiji. I have bought a number of things that way, not just phones, and I have never gotten a lemon that way. There is a risk, of course. The communication with the seller does tell you a few things about the individual, and I always ask why they are selling. If at all possible, I try to buy items that still have some manufacturer's warranty left, but the last two phones I bought were out of warranty and I bought them anyway. With phones, I buy relatively recent high-end models. The S20 for example is two years old. When I meet the seller, I check the battery, I run a few applications and I test the touch screen before I buy it. Maybe I have been lucky and I am at some time I'll end up with a lemon.
Ubuntu 24.10 on 2019 5k iMac
Ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 13


I'd be afraid to touch any strange screens right now! I even sanitize my own phone when I get home. I have a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and I spray a kleenex and then use it to wipe it down. It's more important now than ever. I'm guessing you're not doing Kijiji buy/sells right now. If you are I won't judge you, well, maybe secretly. ;)
* Zorin OS 17.1 Core and Windows 11 Pro on a Dell Precision 3630 Tower with an
i5-8600 3.1 GHz 6-core processor, 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB Nvme and a Geforce 1060 6 GB card
* Motorola Edge (2022) phone with Android 14


Hi Mike, Kal from the Durham Klub here. Was wondering if your S9 Uber Wunderkind cell phone has been sold as of yet ? If so inclined you can reach me at sidgy AT look DOT ca ! Just keep in mind, . . We are all in this together ! Cheers.

Moderator: Not sure if it helps that much or it's just too late, but I mangled your email address a bit so that you don't get spammed into the 22nd century. If I overstepped my bounds, feel free to change it back. :)
MACbook Pro 1501, Catalina| Biostar FX6300 Garuda Linux | HP AIO Elite, Win 10 Pro| HP Folio 14, Win 10 Pro| ASUS M32CD, POP_O/S


Hi Kal. Sorry, it got sold two weeks ago to another PLUG member.
Ubuntu 24.10 on 2019 5k iMac
Ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 13


That's quite alright Mike. I was interested but had no way of getting to you responsibly. I have other resources to pursue. https://www.factorydirect.ca/weekly-flyer        And there is also a Samsung warranty center in Whitby. When they get a gross of cell phones in, time to go investigate. My current one is just fine but could use a stronger battery. Stay well and hope to sit out on the lawn soon.
MACbook Pro 1501, Catalina| Biostar FX6300 Garuda Linux | HP AIO Elite, Win 10 Pro| HP Folio 14, Win 10 Pro| ASUS M32CD, POP_O/S


If battery life is important to you, look at the Motorola phones. I used to have the G7 Power. The darn thing could last 4-5 days on a charge and that was using it about an hour or two per day. It was 5200 mAh. It has adaptive battery software which may or may not be a Motorola thing. But the main reason I like those phones is that they don't pre-install a bunch of crap that you can't remove or just have to spend time removing. Not sure if Samsung is the same.
* Zorin OS 17.1 Core and Windows 11 Pro on a Dell Precision 3630 Tower with an
i5-8600 3.1 GHz 6-core processor, 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB Nvme and a Geforce 1060 6 GB card
* Motorola Edge (2022) phone with Android 14