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Revised edition of 'Adventures with an Ten Year Old Desktop'

Started by buster, September 23, 2021, 06:38:27 PM

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Today is a sad day at our house. I cannot revive the Old Desktop even though heroic measures were employed for a number of hours. I cannot say that our basement is flooded with my tears, but it is an emotional loss. She has been a great computer right up to her end two days ago. And I loved giving her a fresh start when I adopted her. And I still am thankful for the gift my in-law gave me.

When I started writing about this computer relic, I didn't realize that a story was being produced. (I had never done this before.) By the chapter The Great Battle I figured out what was happening. Rereading the thread later I cringed a bit with the first part, and hated the missed opportunities.

So in honour of this old lady and friend, I have rewritten parts of it. If you are interested, the modified veersion can be found below. And if you have a drink tonight, toast the old lady who is no longer with us.

Father Time remains undefeated.


Does a Coke Zero count as a drink? She will be missed. Rest in Peace, old gal.
* Zorin OS 17.1 Core and Windows 11 Pro on a Dell Precision 3630 Tower with an
i5-8600 3.1 GHz 6-core processor, 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB Nvme and a Geforce 1060 6 GB card
* Motorola Edge (2022) phone with Android 14


Too bad, Buster. So what exactly did break on the old computer, that couldn't be fixed?
Mint 20.3 on a Dell 14" Inspiron notebook, HP Pavilion X360, 11" k120ca notebook (Linux Lubuntu), Dell 13" XPS notebook computer (MXLinux)
Cellphone Samsung A50, Koodo pre paid service


Something internal Bill. Something very serious. She revived for a very few seconds, showing some signs of life, and then slipped away. An autopsy showed that almost all her major parts were affected, including the mouse, the sound, the keyboard and the ability to put a picture on the screen. The report said, "Death was due to a motherboard failure."

But she was not young. She had lived a long and productive life. So we should not remember her with grief.
Father Time remains undefeated.


Ok Harry, maybe when you acquire another older pc computer, then you can try and make it a Hackintosh/Opencore computer. :-)
Mint 20.3 on a Dell 14" Inspiron notebook, HP Pavilion X360, 11" k120ca notebook (Linux Lubuntu), Dell 13" XPS notebook computer (MXLinux)
Cellphone Samsung A50, Koodo pre paid service