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SuperTuxKart in Win10 Disappointing

Started by buster, April 26, 2021, 03:05:56 PM

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I found out recently that this racing game is also available in Win10. The port to Windows might have taken place years ago but I didn't know.

Here is what is disappointing about running this game in Win10:

I'm just as crappy a driver in Windows as I am in Mint. Otherwise the games are identical.

Growing up from childhood and becoming an adult is highly overrated.


You're lucky it isn't worse in Windows.  :P
Ubuntu 24.10 on 2019 5k iMac
Ubuntu 24.04 on Dell XPS 13


I find that it interesting that no one has ported a modern version of TuxRacer, now SuperTuxRacer, to Windows. My grand-kids loved it in Linux. Good college or university group assignment I would think.

Also Kpatience has never been ported either, and it has a card game which is mysteriously only available in Linux: Mod3, my favourite solitaire card game. Weird that no one has created it in Windows, unless my search abilities have deteriorated as I've aged, and I've missed it. (No real need to comment here is there Mike.  :) )
Growing up from childhood and becoming an adult is highly overrated.